Tangail_to_Dhaka_Train_ScheduleTangail to Dhaka Train Schedule
From the Tangail station a lot of train travel on Dhaka. There are 8 Intercity trains and two Mail trains exist in this route. To get a comfortable trip while traveling, choose Intercity trains. In the below chart you have able to know all the trains schedule that’s are travel on Tangail to Dhaka route.
Train Name | Off-day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Ekota Express 706 | No | 05:46 | 08:10 |
Sundarban Express 725 | Tuesday | 03:30 | 05:40 |
Lalmoni Express 752 | Friday | 18:47 | 20:55 |
Silkcity Express 754 | Sunday | 11:08 | 13:30 |
Drutajan Express 758 | Wednesday | 16:08 | 18:10 |
Padma Express 760 | Tuesday | 19:30 | 21:40 |
Nill Sagar Express 766 | Sunday | 04:52 | 07:10 |
Sirajgonj Express 775 | Saturday | 07:58 | 10:15 |
Tangail Commuter | Friday | 07:07 | 09:30 |
Local (551) | No | 08:42 | 11:00 |
The Ekota Express (705) and the Drutajan Express (757) are two Intercity train that travels on Tangail to Dinajpur route. The passenger of Tangail to Dinajpur route will get a peaceful trip by the intercity trains.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Ekota Express (705) | Tuesday | 12:05 | 18:50 |
Drutajan Express (757) | Wednesday | 22:08 | 04:10 |
From the Tangail railway station, the Sundarban Express (726) and the Chitra Express (764) is travel to Khulna. Please check out the below chart and inform about train schedule of Tangail to Khulna route.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Sundarban Express (726) | Wednesday | 08:41 | 15:40 |
Chitra Express (764) | Monday | 21:00 | 03:50 |
The Intercity train Lalmoni Express (751) departs from Tangail station at 00:19 and after 8 hours it arrives in Lalmanirhat at 08:20. Friday is the weekly off-day of Lalmoni Express (751).
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Friday | 00:19 | 08:20 |
Now you will be going to know the train schedule of Tangail to Rajshahi route. There are 3 intercity trains on this route. Everyday a lot of people travel on this route by train. If you want to travel on this route just know about the train schedule of this route, it will help you later.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Silkcity Express (753) | Sunday | 17:05 | 20:45 |
Padma Express (759) | Tuesday | 01:06 | 04:40 |
Dhomkato Express (769) | Saturday | 07:59 | 11:40 |
The approximate distance of Tangail to Chilahati route is about 300 KM. For travel on Tangail to Chilahati route there is only one Intercity train name Nill Sagar Express (765). The schedule of this train has been given below.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Nill Sagar Express (765) | Monday | 10:22 | 17:45 |
The Rangpur Express (771) is run between the Tangail to the Rangpur route. The travelers in Rangpur can enjoy a comfortable journey from Tangail station because there is an Intercity train on this route.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Rangpur Express (771) | Sunday | 11:07 | 19:00 |
The Sirajgonj Express (776) travels to Sirajgonj from Tangail station. This train departs from Tangail station at 19:30 and arrives in Tangail at 21:25. For more clarity have a look in the below chart.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Sirajgonj Express (776) | Saturday | 19:30 | 21:25 |
Brahmanbaria is not so far from Tangail. So there is no Intercity train on this route. The Mail train Tangail Commuter travel on this route. Friday is the off-day of Tangail Commuter.
Train Name | Off-Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Tangail Commuter | Friday | 20:25 | 20:50 |
Tangail to Chapainawabgonj route has only a Mail train name Rajshahi Express(5). This train starts the journey from Tangail at 14:27 and arrives in Chapainawabgonj at 22:20.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rajshahi Express (5) | No | 14:27 | 22:20 |
Tangail to Chapainawabgonj route has only a Mail train name Rajshahi Express(5).