Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Ekota Express 706 | No | 03:12 | 08:10 |
Lalmoni Express 752 | Friday | 14:46 | 19:55 |
Drutajan Express 758 | No | 14:08 | 18:55 |
Nilsagor Express 766 | Sunday | 00:16 | 05:30 |
Rangpur Express 772 | Sunday | 01:06 | 06.10 |
There are five trains exist in Natore To Chilahati route. If you are a passenger of this route then you should choose one of these for travel on this route. The trains are Rupsha Express 727, Barandra Express 731, Titumir Express 733, Simanta Express 747, Nilsagor Express 765. Check the trains’ schedule given below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Rupsha Express 727 | Thursday | 12:03 | 16:40 |
Barandra Express 731 | Sunday | 16:18 | 21:25 |
Titumir Express 733 | Wednesday | 07:47 | 13:00 |
Simanta Express 747 | Mon | 01:55 | 06:20 |
Nilsagor Express 765 | Monday | 11:16 | 16:00 |
Everyday Many peoples are traveling on Natore To Khulna route. In this route, there is one intercity train name Rupsha Express 728, and 2 Mail trains name Simanta Express and Rocket Express 24. See the schedule from the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Rupsha Express 728 | Thursday | 12:34 | 17:40 |
Simanta Express | Mon | 01:55 | 04:10 |
Rocket Express 24 | No | 16:10 | 23:45 |
From the Natore station, there are 2 intercity trains travel on Dinajpur. The distance of this route is about 210 KM. The Ekota Express 705 and Drutajan Express 757 are travel on this trackway. See the below chart and must-see the off day of a train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Ekota Express 705 | Tuesday | 15:03 | 18:50 |
Drutajan Express 757 | Wednesday | 00:45 | 04:40 |
Natore to Rajshahi route distance is not very long. The total distance is about 43 KM. There are 2 intercity trains and 1 Mail train has this route. For the schedule see the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Barendra Express 732 | Sunday | 10:36 | 12:05 |
Titumir Express 734 | Wednesday | 19:22 | 21:10 |
Uttara Express 32 | No | 08:16 | 10:20 |
Natore to Rangpur route has only 1 train name Rangpur Express. The Rangpur Express train departs from Natore at 13:58 and arrives in Rangpur at 19:00. Sunday is the off day of the Rangpur Express train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Rangpur Express | Sunday | 13:58 | 19:00 |
From the Natore station, there is 1 train that travels to Lalmonirhat. The Lalmoni Express 751 departure from Natore at 03:41 and arrives in Lalmonirhat at 08:20. The weekly off day of Lalmoni Express 751 is Friday.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Lalmoni Express 751 | Friday | 03:41 | 08:20 |
There are 2 Mail trains in Natore to Parbatipur trackway. These are travel on this route daily. From the below chart you will able to know the schedules of those trains.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Rocket Express 23 | No | 17:38 | 22:00 |
Uttara Express 31 | No | 14:32 | 20:15 |
Dhaka To Natore Train Schedule And Ticket Price