Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Sundarban Express (725) | Tuesday | 01:50 | 05:40 |
Lalmoni Express (752) | Friday | 16:18 | 19:55 |
Silkcity Express | Sunday | 09:38 | 13:30 |
Padma Express (760) | Tuesday | 18:02 | 21:40 |
Chitra Express | Monday | 14:30 | 17:55 |
There are two trains which travel from Dhaka to Khulna. These trains run over the Ullapara Station to go to Khulna. The trains name, weekly off-day, departure time and the arrival time is given in the chart below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Sundarban Provati 726 | Wednesday | 10:06 | 15:40 |
Chitra Express 764 | Monday | 22:09 | 03:40 |
The Lalmoni Express (751) departs from Dhaka to go to Lalmonirhat. Ullapara Station is a sub-station of Dhaka to the Lalmonirhat route. Passenger can also travel Khulna from the Ullapara station.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
Lalmoni Express (751) | Friday | 01:50 | 08:20 |
Rajshahi is approximately 125 KM far from Ullapara station. From the Ullapara railway station, three intercity trains run to the Rajshahi Station. The trains are SilkCity Express (753), Padma Express (759), and Dhomkato Express. If you want to travel Rajshahi by train, please check this below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure Time | Arrival Time |
SilkCity Express (753) | Sunday | 18:29 | 20:35 |
Padma Express (759) | Tuesday | 02:25 | 04:40 |
Dhomkato Express | Saturday | 09:34 | 11:40 |
The Mail train Rajshahi Express(5) travel to Chapainababganj from the Ullapara railway station. For your convenience, the schedule of this train has been added to the chart below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rajshahi Express(5) | No | 16:20 | 22:20 |
Ullapara to Sirajganj Bazar route has a Mail train. This train departs from the Ullapara railway station at 16:20 and arrives in Sirajganj Bazar at 17:10. This train has no off day.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rajshahi Express(6) | No | 16:20 | 17:10 |
All the information is collected from the official website of the Bangladesh Railway. As you know the train schedule can be changed at any time by the decision of the Bangladesh Railway. To know the update schedule stay connected with us. Thanks for visiting our site.