Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaksha Express (715) | Saturday | 08:59 | 12:00 |
Sagordari Express (761) | Monday | 18:54 | 22:00 |
The approximate distance of Chuadanga To Khulna route is 140 KM via highway. The train conduction of this trackway is good. There are a total of 9 trains available on this route among them 6 are intercity trains and 3 are mail/express trains. If you have enough time on your hand and want an enjoyable journey you should choose the intercity train.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Kapotaksha Express (716) | Saturday | 17:00 | 20:10 |
Sundarban Express (726) | Wednesday | 14:41 | 17:40 |
Rupsha Express (728) | Thursday | 15:44 | 18:30 |
Simanta Express (748) | No | 01:21 | 04:10 |
Sagordari Express (762) | Monday | 09:16 | 12:10 |
Chitra Express (764) | Monday | 00:55 | 03:40 |
Mohananda Express (16) | No | 11:42 | 16:40 |
Nakshikantha Express (26) | No | 17:41 | 22:00 |
Rocket Express (24) | No | 19:54 | 23:45 |
The two intercity train name Rupsha Express (727) and Simanta Express (747) are travel on the Chuadanga to Chilahati route. The trains are intercity and we know the intercity trains are luxurious they have many modern facilities and services that make your trip more enjoyable.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rupsha Express (727) | Thursday | 09:44 | 16:40 |
Simanta Express (747) | No | 23:53 | 06:20 |
Are you want to travel on ChapaiNawabgonj from Chuadanga station by train? You will find the mail train name Mohananda Express (15) on this route. The train has no off-day. See the schedule below.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Mohananda Express (15) | No | 15:29 | 21:40 |
There is the Rocket Express(23) train for traveling on Chuadanga to Parbatipur route. The train travel on this route everyday. for more clarity, see the below chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Rocket Express (23) | No | 14:16 | 22:00 |
While you travel from Chuadanga to Goalanda Ghat you will find the train Nakshikantha Express(25). The Nakshikantha Express (25) is a mail/express train under Bangladesh. The schedule has given below in the form of a chart.
Train Name | Off Day | Departure | Arrival |
Nakshikantha Express (25) | No | 06:05 | 11:00 |
All the information has been collected from a valid source. I hope the above information will help you while you will going on a trip from Chuyadanga station. Before a train journey must aware of safety tips and abide by the rules. The train schedule can be changed at any time, to know the updated schedule