Tense denotes the time of a verb. Example: Sumi eats an egg. - Present tense / Sumi ate an apple. - Past tense / Sumi will eat a carrot. - Future tense
Present indefinite tense-: S + V1(s/es)+ Ext
Rule 1.
Always |
Regularly |
Sometimes |
Often |
Seldom |
Usually |
Generally |
Normally |
Daily |
Every time |
Frequently |
Twice a year |
Occasionally |
Every(day/week/morning) |
on Mondays |
In summer |
Rule 2. সাধারণত কোন বাক্য দ্বারা Habitual fact , universal truth, historical truth , near future , scientific fact , quotations এবং exclamatory sentence বুঝালে present indefinite tense হয়। Example : He takes tea every day. - Habitual fact / The earth moves round the sun. - Universal truth / India wins freedom in 1947. - Historical truth / Ice floats on water. - Scientific fact / Keats says, beauty is truth, truth beauty. - Quotations / Here comes the bus! - Exclamatory sentence
Present continuous tense- S + am/is/ are + V ing + Ext
Rule 3.
Now |
At this moment |
At present |
Day by day |
Now and now |
Today |
Right now / tonight |
This year |
gradually |
increasingly |
উপরোক্ত Word এবং phrase গুলো কোন বাক্যে থাকলে তা present continuous tense হয়। Example : The baby is crying at present because it is hungry now. / The sun is shining in the eastern sky now.
Rule 4. নিচের Verb গুলো [(1. Verbs of perception (উপলব্দিসূচক ক্রিয়া) 2. Verb of appearing (মনে হওয়া সূচক ক্রিয়া) 3. Verb of emotion (আবেগসূচক ক্রিয়া) 4. Verbs of thinking (চিন্তাসূচক ক্রিয়া) ] সাধারণত present continuous tense হয় না। বরং present indefinite tense হয়।
Agree |
Appear |
Adore |
Belong |
Believe |
Care |
Contain |
Consider |
Desire |
Dislike |
Detest |
Depend |
Expect |
Feel |
Fear |
Forget |
Hate |
Hear |
Hope |
Love |
Like |
Mind |
Mean |
notice |
Need |
know |
Owe |
Observe |
Prefer |
Possess |
Prescribe |
Remember |
Refuse |
Recall |
see |
Seem |
Smell |
Trust |
Think |
Value |
Understand |
Want |
Wish |
Be |
Pity |
Envy |
Remember |
Intend |
Deserve |
Lack |
Matter |
own |
Example :
Incorrect: Anwar is knowing me. Correct: Anwar knows me.
Incorrect: He is believing me now. Correct: He believes me now.
Present perfect tense- S + have /has +V3 +Ext
Example : We have not had a holiday since the beginning of the year
Rule 5. নিম্নোক্ত Adverb বা adverbial phrase কোন sentence এ ব্যবহৃত হলে তা present perfect tense হয়।
Already |
Just |
Just now |
Lately |
Ever |
Recently |
So far |
Till |
For a long time |
For |
Since |
Still / yet |
In the last few days |
Example : He has been ill since Friday last. / He has just gone out.
Present perfect continuous tense- S + have been /has been + V ing + Ext
Present perfect continuous tense এর structure: { since (নির্দিষ্ট সময়) for (অনির্দিষ্ট সময়) } + time. Example:
He has been suffering from fever for four days. / He has been playing since 4.00 pm.
Rule 6. নির্দিষ্ট সময় বা অনির্দিষ্ট সময় নিয়ে কোন কাজ চলছে বোঝাতে Present perfect continuous tense ব্যবহৃত হয়। যেমনঃ We have been learning English since our childhood.