Subject Verb Agreement
Subject এবং verb এর মধ্যে number এবং person অনুযায়ী মিল বা সম্পর্ক থাকলে তাকে subject verb agreement বলে। নিম্নে কিছু নিয়ম বর্ণনা করা হলো:
Rule 1: Noun শব্দগত বা অর্থগত যে কোন দিক হতে Plural হলে (অর্থগত Plural যেমন: public, mob, people etc.) Verb/Pronoun টি-ও plural হবে। Example: 1. The police (were) walking along the street and (they) were followed by a group of detectives. / 2. Poultry (are) roaming in the pasture.
Rule 2: (Each +Singular Noun)+ and+ (Each +singular Noun) হলে Verb/Pronoun Singular অথবা (Every +singular noun)+and+(every +singular noun) হলে Verb/Pronoun ও singular. যেমন- Each instructor and every student in this building (hopes) for a new facility by the next year. তবে, Every +singular noun and plural noun +plural verb/ pronoun. Example: Every student and instructors ( hope) for a new facility by the next year.
Rule 3: Majority/ Minority +Plural Noun/Pronoun- এর পর Plural verb. Example: Majority of the specialists (believe) that smoking is deleterious to (their) health. / Minority of them (have) supported the candidate.
কিন্তু Majority, minority সরাসরি (Noun/pronoun) ছাড়া বসলে Verb singular হবে। Majority/Minority---- Singular verb. Example: 1. Majority (believes) that smoking is deleterious to health. / 2. Minority (has) supported the candidate.
Rule 4: Real Subject অনুযায়ী verb হবে। অর্থাৎ preposition এর পূর্ববর্তী Norn/Pronoun অনুযায়ী verb হবে। Subject +Prepositional phrase—verb. Example: 1. The horror of it all (is) too much for William Boyde. / 2. Politics prevailing in the states (is) sometimes a dirty business and (it) should be stopped. / 3. A large percentage of the older population (is) voting against her.
Rule 5: both-----and---- হলে verb/pronoun - plural হবে। Example: At first both of the horses (were) nervous but (they) ran very well. / Both Pavel and Hafsa (are) zealous.
Rule 6: together with / along with / accompanied by /with / as well as / with+ কোন কিছু/ব্যক্তি / and not/ but not + Noun/Pronoun +verb থাকলে ১ম অংশের Sub অনুযায়ী verb হবে (formula-তে প্রদত্ত noun/pronoun অনুযায়ী নয়) । Example: The mayor together with his two brothers (is) going to deliver (his) speech. / The piano as well as the pipe organs (has) to be tuned for the big concert. / The international club, as well as the choral society and the rowing club, (needs) to submit a new constitution(itself). / The big dipper as well as many other constellations (is) easy to find.
Rule 7: Noun of Multitude: একই মত, ধারণা, কাজ পোষণ করলে ---Verb/pronoun -Singular, ভিন্ন ভিন্ন মত, ধারণা, কাজ পোষণ করলে-----Verb/Pronoun -Plural. ( Committee, club, class, congress, parliament, gang, gaggle etc. এরা Noun of Multitude.) Example: The committee (were) taking all the responsibilities (themselves) / The class (is) going to arrange a debate. / The class (are) in different views about the topic.
Rule 8: Collective Expressions. যেমন- A herd of cattle / A gaggle of girls / A pack of dogs / A Pride of lions/ A school of fish/es / A gang of rogues / A chorus of singers + Singular Verb/Pronoun. Example: A box of books as well as a large suitcase (is,) under the bed and (it) (was) covered. / A pride of lions (is) approaching to the baby. / A gang of rogues (is) coming forward. / A pack of dogs (has) been appointed to guard the meeting.