Passive Voice
passive এ কর্ম সম্পাদনকারী কম গুরুত্ব পায় বলে তা একেবারে শেষে উল্লেখ থাকে।
Voice change (Passive থেকে Active):
1. By + object অংশকে Active এর subject করা। (বিশেষ কিছু verb এর ক্ষেত্রে by না থেকে to/at/with/in etc থাকে।)
Note: passive এ মাঝে মাঝে বাক্যে by + object অর্থাৎ যার দ্বারা কাজটি সম্পন্ন সে অংশ অনুল্লেখও থাকতে পারে। এ ধরণের বাক্যে by someone / by anyone / by somebody / by the people /by + ----অর্থানুসারে ধরে নিতে হয়।যেমনঃ Passive: Rome was not built in a day. Active: The people of Rome did not build Rome in a day.
2. Active এর tense অনুসারে Auxiliary Verb এবং Principal Verb
3. Passive এর subject টি Active এর object হয়ে যায়। যেমনঃ Passive: The cheques are being signed by the manager. Active: The manager is signing the cheques
Interrogative Sentence:
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive)
Active |
Passive |
Do /Does দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Do you take tea? |
শুরুতে am / is/are (Sub অনুসারে) e.g. : Is tea taken by you? |
Did দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Did you take tea? |
শুরুতে was/were (Sub অনুসারে) e.g. : Was tea taken by you? |
Auxi দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Are you taking tea? / Have you written the letter? |
১ম Auxi + Sub + ২য় Auxi---( ঊপরের নিয়ম অনুসারে Auxi) e.g. : Is tea being taken by you? / Has the letter been written by you? |
Who : Who has broken the glass? |
By whom : By whom has the glass been broken? |
What +----+ subj: What do you want? |
What: What is wanted by you? |
What +----Subj wenxb: What made you sad? |
By what : By what were you made sad? |
Whom: Whom do you help? |
Who: Who is helped by you? |
How/Why/When etc : How did he help you? |
অপরিবর্তিতভাবে শুরুতে: How were you helped by him? |
Imperative Sentence:
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive)
Active |
Passive |
Verb + Object : Read the book. |
Let + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3: Let the book be read. |
Verb+Obj+----: Tell him to go. |
Let + Obj কে Sub + be + V3+---: Let him be told to go. |
Do not +V +Obj: Do not hate the poor. |
Let not + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3: Let not the poor be hated. |
Let + Sub + V + Obj: Let him do it. |
Let + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3 + by+ Sub কে Obj : Let it be done by him. |
Adverb দ্বারা শুরু: Always speak the truth |
একেবারে শেষে Adv : Let the truth be spoken always. |
Never দ্বারা শুরু: Never tell a lie. |
Let never + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3 :Let never a lie be told. or, Let + Obj কে Subj + never be+ V3 :Let a lie never be told.
Note: 1. Let + Pronoun এর Obj (Active-Passive সব ক্ষেত্রে). e.g. : Let him take tea. (এ বাক্যে him কিন্তু take এর Sub)
2. Imperative এ active বাক্যে you গোপন থাকায় passive voice এও গোপন রাখা ভাল। তবে লিখলে ব্রাকেটের মধ্যে লিখতে হয়। যেমনঃ Active: Read the book. Passive: Let the book be read. / Let the book be read (by you).