Group Verbs / phrasal verbs
1. Call in / send for – ( ডাক্তার ডেকে পাঠান ) : Call in a doctor .
2. call on – ( বাক্তির সাথে দেখা করা ) : I shall call on the MP of our locality.
3. Call at – ( বাক্তির সাথে কোন জায়গায় দেখা করা ) : I called on him at his office .
4. Call off / put off / hold over / stand over – ( প্রত্যাহার করা ) : They called of their hartal .
1. Carry on / go on / keep on / pass on / work on / keep off / Drive on – ( চালিয়ে যাওয়া ) : Go on your work .
1. Cast of / cast away / cast aside / through off – ( ছুড়ে ফেলা ) : She cast her clothes away .
1. Catch sight of / come across / catch up with / come up with / come at / fall in with / run against – ( দেখা পাওয়া ) : I caught sight of her at the play .
2. Catch up- সামনের কারো কাছে পৌছতে সফল হওয়া- succeed in reaching a person who is ahead of one.
1. Come of – ( জন্মগ্রহণ করা ) : I came of a rich family .
2. Come from – ( দেশের বাড়ি ) : I come from India .
3. Come over – ( মাধ্যমে আসা ) : The news came over the radio .
4. Come off – ( সম্পন্ন হওয়া ) : Our marriage ceremony came off this Monday .
5. Come on / set in – ( শুরু হওয়া ) : The rain has came on .
6. Come by – ( পাওয়া ) : I came by the watch in the garden .
7. Come out / get out / fall out – ( প্রকাশিত হওয়া ) : The SSC result has came out .
8. Come on / hurry up – ( তাড়াতাড়ি করা ) : Come on ! Everyone is waiting for you.
9. Come round-(আরোগ্য লাভ করা-recover) The patient will come round soon.
A list of Phrasal verbs
1. Come on : hurry
2. Carry on / look out for / carry on with / get on with / go on / walk on / drive on : continue
3. Cross out ( a mistake / a word ) : pen through, if you make a mistake / Cross it out
4. Catch up with / Catch up ( over take )
5. Cut down on ( reduce)
6. Come down to (be equal to )
7. Come down with (get disease )
8. Come in for ( be given blame ) (দোষের শিকার হওয়া )
9. Come out with (produce - উপস্থাপন করা )
10. Clime in with : be consistent with
11. Clump up with (make friends with )
12. Creak down on : take severe steps against
13. Cry out for ( demand urgently )
14. Clean up- To remedy a bad situation. To make a problem go away.