The Phrasal verbs-D to G

3.4. The Phrasal verbs-D to G

Group Verbs / phrasal verbs


1. Do on // put on / take on – (  পরিধান করা ) : do on  your shirt .

2. Do off / put off / take off / draff / pull off – (  খুলে ফেলা ) : Do off your shoes .


1. Draw away / drive away / turn out / draw at – (অন্যদিকে নিয়ে যাওয়া ) : The army are now drawing away .


A list of Phrasal verbs

1. Dine out on : talk about on interesting thing

2. Duck out of : avoid responsibility

3. Do away with : abolish

4. Drop in on : pay a short visit

5. Face up to : accept bravely

6.  Fall behind with : fail to do in time

7.  Fall down on : fail in

8. Fall in with : Vt -accept

9. Fob off on : sell something  by deciding

10. Fob off with :  give something  by deciding

11. Follow up with : take further action after something

12. Get on ( a job / work ) : manage

13. Give up : stop something

14. Grow up : become an adult

15. Get on with : continue after interruption

16. Get out of : Avoid / Persuade to talk / gain from

17. Go it for / Take part in : Participate in

18. Go off with : Take away without permission

19. Go on with : Continue

20. Go on at : Criticize

21. Grow away from : Begin to less close relation

22. Go back on : ( claim , ship , fail to keep ) – I cannot make a promise , and then  go back on

23.  Go in for (enter , complete ) : He has decided to go in the ten mile road run in the year

24.  Go through  with ( finish / bring to an conclusion )  : He went through his plan although his friends advised to continue

25. Get away with / run away with take and carry off secretly   (perform some illegal act without punishment , run away ) –The thief got away with Tk 5000

26. Grow out of  (become too big / abandon / give up ) : He grew out of bad habit

27. Get along with : keep good relation with / DO something wrong without being caught

28. Get back to : speak / write (again ) later

29. Get behind with : fall to pay on time

30.  Get off with : start a sexual relation with

31. Give into-: কেউ যা পছন্দ করে না তাতে সম্মত হওয়া-Agree to something you don't like

32. Give in : বশ্যতা স্বীকার করা- Yield- The enemies gave in at last.


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