The Phrasal verbs-H to L

3.5. The Phrasal verbs-H to L

Group Verbs / phrasal verbs


1.  Hand on / pass on – ( হস্তান্তর করা/ হাতে করে পৌছে দেওয়া ) : Hand on the book to your father .


1. Look for / search for – ( খোঁজ করা ) : I am looking for a job .

2.  Look into / look over / look through  – (  তদন্ত করা ): The police are looking into the     matter .

3. Look down upon –( hate / despise -ঘৃণা করা  ): Do not look down upon the poor .

4. Look out / watch out – ( সাবধান ) : Look out ! There’s a bus coming.

5. Look in / call in – (  সংক্ষিপ্ত ভ্রমন ) : I will look in how you are .

6. Look up – ( a word in the dictionary -  অভিধানে শব্দ খোজা ) : Look up the word in the dictionary .

7. Look after-take care of -দেখা শুনা করা- Mother looked after her child.


A list of Phrasal verbs

1. Hold on  : wait

2. Hurry up : do something more quickly

3. Hold out on : refuse to give support

4. Hold out for : demand and wait for

5. Hang on to : retain , keep in one’s permission

6. Knock down ( The building) : demolish

7. Keep up with : Go as fast as

8. Look forward to ( expect with pleasure )

9. Look in on ( make a short visit  )

10. Live up to ( maintain a certain standard , moral , economic respect )

11.  Look out for  ( keep one’s eye open )

12. Let up on : treat less severally


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