The Phrasal verbs-M to Q

3.6. The Phrasal verbs-M to Q

Group Verbs / phrasal verbs

                 &nnbsp;                                                      Make

1. Make out / see through / watch on  - (  বুঝতে পারা ) :  I cannot make out what they say .

2. Make up one’s mind  - (  মনস্থির করা ) : I have made up my mind to go there .

3. Make of  - (  বস্তুটি যে উপাদানে তৈরি তা বুঝা যায় ) : This table is made of iron .

4. Make from  - (বস্তুটি যে উপাদানে তৈরি তা বুঝা যায়  না এমন বুঝানোর জন্য লেখা হয় ) : Paper is made from wood and bamboo .

5. Make after / run after / go after  - (পিছু পিছু ধাবিত হওয়া   ) : The police made after the thief .


A list of Phrasal verbs

1.  Make up for : compensate

2. Make away with :  Kill / steal

3. Make up to : try to gain favour by praising 

4. Make up of : include

5. Match up to ( with ) – be as good as expected

6.   Measure up to : have good qualities for

7. Own up to : admit a fault / a crime

8.  Put out ( a fire / a cigarette ) : Extinguish ! The fire bridge arrived and put the fire out.

9. Put up with (tolerate , endure , bear patiently )

10. Put up to ( We have to win the favour of )

11. Put into ( insert / place in / position correctly )

12. Put down as (consider to be )

13. Put down for (enlist)

14. Put down to (State something is caused by something)

15. Plug away at ( work determinatively to complete )


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