The Preposition-A Preposition-M N O

6.10. The Preposition-A Preposition-M N O

A list of Some Appropriate Prepositions


Mad with (পাগল) — He is mad with pain.

Made of (তৈরী) — This ring is made of gold.

Make for (যাত্রা করা)— The ship made for England.

Make out (বুঝা) — 1 cannot make out what you say.

Marry to (বিয়ে দেয়া) — He married his daughter to a rich man. She was married to a rich man.

Marry (বিয়ে করা) —She married a French man.

Mourn for, over (শোক প্রকাশ করা) — Don't mourn for (over) the dead.


Need for, of (প্রয়োজন) — I have no need for more money. I am in need of more money.


Object to (আপত্তি করা)— He objected to my proposal.

Oblige (a person) with (বাধিত করা)- He obliged me with a loan.

Obliged to (a person), for (a thing) বাধিত — I am obliged to him for his kind help.

Obstacle to (বাধা) — Poverty is often obstacle to higher studies.

Obsessed by, with (উদ্বিগ্ন) — He is obsessed by the idea.

Occupied with (a business), in (doing a thing) (ব্যস্ত) - He is occupied with his studies. He is occupied in writing a letter.

Occur to (one's mind) (মনে হওয়া)—The idea never occurred to me.

Offend against (লংঘন করা)—You have offended against good manners.

Offended with (a person)at (an action) (বিরক্তিকর) —I am offended (displeased) with you at your conduct.

Offensive to (বিরক্তিকর)—This acrid smell is offensive to me.

Officiate for (a person), in (a post) (পরিবর্তে কাজ করা) —He officiated for me in that post.

Open to (খোলা)—His plan is open to objection.

Open at (খোলা)—Open at page 20.

Opportunity for, of (সুযোগ)-I have no opportunity for (of) doing the work.

Opposite to (বিপরীত)—Your idea is opposite to mine.Our house is opposite to the park.

Overcome with, by (emotion etc.) —He was overcome with fatigue. He was overcome by anger.

Owe to (ঋনী হওয়া)—I owe my all to him.


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