Description is not applied here.
Assertive Sentence
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive) করতে প্রাথমিক ভাবে ৪ টি কাজ করতে হয়:
1. Active এর Object কে Passive এর Subject করতে হয়
2. পরিবর্তিত subject এর পর Auxiliary Verb বসানো
Note: Auxiliary Verb বসানোর কৌশলঃ
Active |
Passive |
PV present রুপে থাকলে |
am / is / are |
PV past রুপে থাকলে |
was / were |
PV টি ing যুক্ত থাকলে |
ঐ Tense এরই Auxi + being |
have / has / had |
have / has / had + been |
shall / will / should /may/ can/must/ be going to/have to etc (Modal Auxiliary) |
shall / will / should /may/ can/must/be going to/have to etc (Modal Auxi) + be |
3. PV এর past participle বসানো
4. Active এর Subject কে passive এ by + object (সাধারণত: by)করা
Active |
Passive |
1. We learn English |
English is learnt by us. |
2. John saw the man |
The man was seen by John |
3. Hasan is taking tea |
Tea is being taken by Hasan. |
4. The student has done the sum. |
The sum has been done by the student. |
5. Della can cook rice |
Rice can be cooked by Della |
6. I am going to read the story |
The story is going to be read by me. |
Some important things:
Active |
Passive |
do not / does not (e.g. : He does not take tea) |
am not / is not /are not (e.g. :Tea is not taken by him) |
did not (e.g. : He did not take tea) |
was not /were not (e.g. : Tea was not taken by him.) |
Auxi + not (e.g. : I have not written the message) |
১ম Auxi + not + ---( ঊপরের নিয়ম অনুসারে Auxi)(e.g. : The message has not been written by me) |
Double objects (e.g.: Mother gave me a pen) |
যে কোনটিকে Subject (অপরটি verb এর পরে বসে যায়)- ব্যক্তি নেয়া ভাল (e.g. : I was given a pen by mother) or: A pen was given me by mother . |
Voice change (Passive থেকে Active):
1. By + object অংশকে Active এর subject করা। (বিশেষ কিছু verb এর ক্ষেত্রে by না থেকে to/at/with/in etc থাকে।)
Note: passive এ কর্ম সম্পাদনকারী কম গুরুত্ব পায় বলে তা একেবারে শেষে উল্লেখ থাকে। মাঝে মাঝে বাক্যে by + object অর্থাৎ যার দ্বারা কাজটি সম্পন্ন সে অংশ অনুল্লেখও থাকতে পারে। এ ধরণের বাক্যে by someone / by anyone / by somebody / by the people /by + ----অর্থানুসারে ধরে নিতে হয়।যেমনঃ Passive: Rome was not built in a day. Active: The people of Rome did not build in a day.
2. Active এর tense অনুসারে Auxiliary Verb এবং Principal Verb
3. Passive এর subject টি Active এর object হয়ে যায়। যেমনঃ Passive: The cheques are being signed by the manager. Active: The manager is signing the cheques
Assertive Sentence-ব্যতিক্রম:
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive)
1. Double Object এর দুটিই একই ব্যক্তি বা বস্তুকে বোঝালে, অবশ্যই প্রথমটিকে Subject ধরতে হয়। যেমন:
Active: We made him captain
Passive: He was made captain by us. (NB: Captain was made him by us. -Incorrect)
Active |
Passive |
কিছু বিশেষ Verb: know / annoy / seize / fill / cover / burn / burden/ satisfy / please / marvel / shock / surprise / vex / contain / bed |
by গ্রহন করে না। এরা to / at / with / in etc known to / annoyed with / seized with / filled with / covered with / burned with / burdened with / satisfied with/at / pleased with/at / marvelled at / shocked at / surprised at / vexed at / contained in / bedded on / embodied to |
Object হিসেবে self/ selves যুক্ত pronoun (e.g. He killed himself) |
Active এর Subj কেই Sub ধরে +......+ by+ self/selves যুক্ত pronoun (e.g. : He was killed by himself) |
Active |
Passive |
Object + Ving+----e.g. : I saw him going to college |
V3 + Ving+---- + by + obj. e.g. : He was seen going to college by me. |
Object + to +V/ Adv. e.g. : He was taking the dollar to buy gloves. / He helped me yesterday |
by + obj + to +V / Adv. e.g. : The dollar was being taken by him to buy gloves. / I was helped by him yesterday. |
Object + V1 +----: We made him drive the car. |
V3 + to + V1 +----: He was made to drive the car by us. |
5. Active voice এ দুটি object এর মধ্যে যদি একটির পূর্বে preposition থাকে, সে ক্ষেত্রে যে object এর পূর্বে preposition নেই, সেটিকে passive voice এর subject ধরে voice change করতে হয়। যেমনঃ They suggested a plan to us. Passive: A plan was suggested to us by them.
6. Preposition যুক্ত verb গুলো Transitive verb এর ন্যায় কাজ করে বলে এদের passive ব্যবহৃত হয়। এ ক্ষেত্রে verb এর সাথে থাকা preposition টি অবিচ্ছিন্নভাবে রাখতে হয়। যেমনঃ Active: We talked of them. Passive: They were talked of by us.
7. Quasi passive verb যখন complement সহ থাকে, তখন তার passive করার নিয়ম হলো-Subject + Be verb + complement + when /if + it + be verb + P.V এর তৃতীয় রূপ।যেমনঃ Active: Honey tastes sweet. Passive: Honey is sweet when / if it is tasted.
8. Quasi passive verb যখন complement বিহীন থাকে, তখন তার passive করার নিয়ম হলো-Subject + tense অনুসারে Be verb + P.V এর তৃতীয় রূপ।যেমনঃ Active: The house is building. Passive: The house is being built.
9. একাধিক clause থাকা বাক্যের passive করার নিয়ম হলোঃ ১. দুটি clause কে আলাদা আলাদা passive করা যায়। অথবা ২. দ্বিতীয় clause কে আলাদা ভাবে passive করে প্রথম clause এর subject ধরে passive করা যায়। যেমনঃ Active: I know that he did the work. Passive: 1. It is known to me that the work was done by him. 2. That the work was done by him is known to me.
Interrogative Sentence:
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive)
Active |
Passive |
Do /Does দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Do you take tea? |
শুরুতে am / is/are (Sub অনুসারে) e.g. : Is tea taken by you? |
Did দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Did you take tea? |
শুরুতে was/were (Sub অনুসারে) e.g. : Was tea taken by you? |
Auxi দ্বারা শুরু e.g. : Are you taking tea? / Have you written the letter? |
১ম Auxi + Sub + ২য় Auxi---( ঊপরের নিয়ম অনুসারে Auxi) e.g. : Is tea being taken by you? / Has the letter been written by you? |
Who : Who has broken the glass? |
By whom : By whom has the glass been broken? |
What +----+ subj: What do you want? |
What: What is wanted by you? |
What +----Subj wenxb: What made you sad? |
By what : By what were you made sad? |
Whom: Whom do you help? |
Who: Who is helped by you? |
How/Why/When etc : How did he help you? |
অপরিবর্তিতভাবে শুরুতে: How were you helped by him? |
Imperative Sentence:
Voice change (Active থেকে Passive)
Active |
Passive |
Verb + Object : Read the book. |
Let + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3: Let the book be read. |
Verb+Obj+----: Tell him to go. |
Let + Obj কে Sub + be + V3+---: Let him be told to go. |
Do not +V +Obj: Do not hate the poor. |
Let not + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3: Let not the poor be hated. |
Let + Sub + V + Obj: Let him do it. |
Let + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3 + by+ Sub কে Obj : Let it be done by him. |
Adverb দ্বারা শুরু: Always speak the truth |
একেবারে শেষে Adv : Let the truth be spoken always. |
Never দ্বারা শুরু: Never tell a lie. |
Let never + Obj কে Subj + be+ V3 :Let never a lie be told. or, Let + Obj কে Subj + never be+ V3 :Let a lie never be told.
Note: 1. Let + Pronoun এর Obj (Active-Passive সব ক্ষেত্রে). e.g. : Let him take tea. (এ বাক্যে him কিন্তু take এর Sub)
2. Imperative এ active বাক্যে you গোপন থাকায় passive voice এও গোপন রাখা ভাল। তবে লিখলে ব্রাকেটের মধ্যে লিখতে হয়। যেমনঃ Active: Read the book. Passive: Let the book be read. / Let the book be read (by you).