Affirmative & Negative Agreement

19. Affirmative & Negative Agreement

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Affirmative agreement

Affirmative agreement: Affirmative Sentence এর সাথে সম্মতি প্রদান করলে তাকে Affirmative agreement বলে।

Rule-1.  Agreement এর ক্ষেত্রে first clause এ যে  tense  বা  verb ব্যবহার করা হবে second  clause এও একই  tense বা  verb ব্যবহার করা হবে।

Example: a. I am happy   and you are too/also. b. My wife is happy and   so am I. 
Rule 2. Principle clause এ compound verb অর্থাৎ auxiliary + মুল verb যেমন- will go/ should go/has gone/have  done etc থাকলে, পরবর্তী clause এ শুধু auxiliary verb হবে এবং দুটিই একই tense এ ব্যবহৃত হবে।

a) Affirmative sentence (modal/aux),+ and+ subject + auxiliary(only)+ too/also

b) Affirmative sentence (modal/aux),+ and+ so + auxiliary(only )+ subject

Example : a. They  will   participate in  the   game  and  I shall too / also.  

b. They   will work in the lab tomorrow and   so will you.

Rule 3. Principle clause এ only main verb অর্থাৎ শুধুই মুল verb

a. Affirmative sentence (only main verb), + and + subject + do, does, or did +too/also.

b. Affirmative statement (only main verb), +and + so + do, does or did + subject.

Example: a. Many want to go home, and we do too /also. b. She took pictures, and so did I.


Negative Agreement

Negative Agreement: Negative Sentence এর সাথে সম্মতি প্রদান করলে তাকে Negative agreement বলে।

Rule 4: Negative agreement এ একই রকম কাজ প্রকাশের ক্ষেত্রে দ্বিতীয় clause এর শেষে  either বা  neither যোগ করতে হয়ে।

Negative agreement, +and+ Subject +negative auxiliary or be +either / Neither + positive auxiliary or be + subject.

Example: Either- He won’t be here today, and his sister won’t either. / Neither- My friend does not like terrorism, and neither do I.


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Designed and developed by Sohel Rana, Assistant Professor, Kumudini Government College, Tangail. Email: [email protected]