
20. Inversion

Description is not applied here.

1. Introduction, Rules of Negative Adverb and Only

একটি সাধারণ Sentence-এর Structure স্বাভাবিকভাবে হয়- Sub+verb+object+ext অথচ, কিছু বিশেষ প্রয়োজনে যেমন- Negative Meaning-টির প্রতি জোর প্রদান,  Adjective বা adverb এর প্রতি গুরুত্ব আরোপ কিংবা অবস্থানের দৃঢ়তা বোঝাতে এই structure-টি স্বাভাবিক ভাবে না লিখে উল্টে দেওয়া হয়, অর্থাৎ Inverse করা হয়। structure-টি দাড়ায় Aux.verb/main verb+sub+object+ext. এই ভাবে Structure টি উল্টে দেওয়াকে  Inversion বলে।

নিম্নোক্ত Situation গুলোতে Inversion হয়। যেমনঃ

Rule 1: Negative Adverbs/Semi-Negative Adverbs:

Hardly      Rarely      Scarcely     Seldom           Nowhere    Never Little

Not once    Not only    No sooner   Not until    At no time   by no means

এই Negative adverb গুলো Sentence এর শুরুতে বসলে Auxiliary verb কে subject এর পূর্বে লিখতে হবে। auxiliary verb না থাকলে do, did, does বসবে।


a. Incorrect: Rarely she had presented her inner views.

Correct: Rarely had she presented her inner views.

b. Incorrect: seldom they listened to me.

Correct: seldom did they listen to me.

c. Incorrect: Only rarely wins the same major league baseball team the World Series two years in a row.

Correct:  Only rarely does the same major league baseball team win the World Series two years in a row.

d. Incorrect: Never I have hone to Dhaka with my elder brother.

Correct: Never have I gone to Dhaka with my elder brother.


Rule 2. Only + Subordinate Clause:

a. Only if   b. Only when c. Only because        d. only after e. only until

উপোরোক্ত Expression গুলো  Sentence এর শুরুতে বসলে ঐ Sentence এর  independent Clause / Main Clause এ  Inversion হবে।


a. Incorrect: Only if you have a serious problem you should call Mr. Franklin at home.

Correct: Only if you have a serious problem should you call Mr. Franklin at home.

b. Incorrect: Only if you have a grandiose party you should invite me.

Correct: Only if you have a grandiose party should you invite me.

c. Incorrect: Only when you are satisfied the sale is considered final.

Correct: Only when you are satisfied is the sale considered final.


Rule 3.  Only + Prepositional Phrase বা Only + Adverb:

Only এর সাথে বিভিন্ন Preposition বা  Adverb যেমন-

A. Only at   b. Only in   c. only on   d. Only once e. Only recently   f. Only by

Sentence এর শুরুতে বসলে ঐ sentence টিতে Inversion হবে।


a. Incorrect: Only in an emergency you should use this exit.

Correct: Only in an emergency should you use this exit.

b. Incorrect: Only recently she returned from abroad.

Correct: Only recently did she return from abroad.

c. Incorrect: Only by asking questions you can learn.

Correct: Only by asking questions can you learn.

2. Rules of Adverb, So, Here, There

Rule  4: Adverb of Place (phrase) বা Adverb of Order:

Adverbs of Place বা Adverbs of Order Sentence এর শুরুতে বসলে, ঐ Sentence টিতে Auxiliary Verb এমনটি Main Verb (Auxiliary Verb না থাকলে) Subject এর পূর্বে চলে আসবে।


a. Incorrect: In front of the museum a statue is.

Correct: In front of the museum is a statue.

b. Incorrect: Off the coast of California the Channel Islands lie.

Correct: Off the coast of California lie the Channel Islands.

c. Incorrect: First a police car came, and then came an ambulance.

Correct: First came a police car, and then came an ambulance.


Rule 5. So + Adjective বা So + Participle:

So+ Adjective বা So+ Participle, Sentence এর শুরুতে বসলে ঐ Sentence টিতে inversion হবে।


a. Incorrect: So rare this coin is that it belongs in a museum.

Correct: So rare is this coin that it belongs in a museum.

b. Incorrect: So confusing the map was that we had to ask a police officer for directions.

Correct: So confusing was the map that we had to ask a police officer for directions.


Rule 6: Here বা There:

Sentence এর শুরুতে There/Here থাকলে এবং Subject টি Noun হলে, ঐ Sentence-এ Inversion হবে।


a. Incorrect: Here the books are that I don’t need anymore.

Correct: Here are the books that I don’t need anymore.

b. Incorrect: There two schools are in our village.

Correct: There are two schools in our village.

NB: Subject-টি Pronoun হলে কোনো Inversion হবে না। যেমনঃ

Incorrect: Here comes she.

Correct: Here she comes.


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Designed and developed by Sohel Rana, Assistant Professor, Kumudini Government College, Tangail. Email: [email protected]