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Parallelism-Rulesকোন Sentence এ একই parts of speech একাধিকবার ব্যবহৃত হলে এরা same form, same structure, same tense এ হয়। একই form, structure এবং tense অনুসরণ করাকে parallelism বলে।
সাধারণত নিচের Conjunctions গুলোর ক্ষেত্রে parallelism এর ব্যবহার হয়ে থাকে। conjunction গুলোর এক পাশে noun বা adjective কিংবা infinitive / gerund থাকলে অপর পাশে noun বা adjective কিংবা infinitive / gerund বসে।
a. Either ------------- or ---------------- b. Neither ------------ nor ----------- c. Not only -------- but also ------ d. Both ----------- and --------- e. -------and-------f. ---------,------------------- and------ g. -----or------ h. --------, ------ or------ i. -----as well as---- j. ----but----- Example :
a. Incorrect: Resita likes to read, sing and playing.
Correct: Resita likes to read, to sing and to play. Or
Correct: Resita likes reading, singing and playing.
b. Incorrect: Peter is rich, handsome and many people like him. [Adjective + Adjective + clause]
Correct: Peter is rich, handsome and popular. [Adjective +Adjective + Adjective]
c. Incorrect: Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician and he teaches. [Noun + Noun + clause]
Correct: Mr. Henry is a lawyer, a politician and a teacher. [Noun + Noun + Noun]
d. Incorrect: The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silent. [Adverb + adjective]
Correct: The soldiers approached the enemy camp slowly and silently. [Adverb + adverb]
e. Incorrect: she loves to fish, swim and surfing. [Infinite + simple form + verb-ing]
Correct: she loves to fish, to swim and to surf. [Infinitive + Infinitive + Infinitive] Or
She loves fishing, swimming and surfing. [verb-ing + verb-ing + verb-ing]
f. Incorrect : when teenagers finish high school, they have several choices: going to college, getting a job, or the army. [Verb-noun + Verb-noun + noun]
Correct: when teenagers finish high school, they have several choices: going to college, getting a job or joining the army. [Verb-noun + Verb-noun + Verb-noun]
g. Incorrect: Enrique entered the room, sat down, and is opening his book. [Past + Past + Present continuous]
Correct: Enrique entered the room, sat down and is opened his book. [Past + Past + Past]
Note: Unparallel sentence = incorrect sentence: সকল unparallel sentence ই incorrect.