Nominal That Clause

24. Nominal That Clause

Description is not applied here.

Nominal That Clause-Rules

যে সকল Noun  clause- that দিয়ে শুরু হয়, তাদেরকে  Nominal  that  clause বলে। এরা  sentence এর  subject বা object উভয় হিসাবেই ব্যবহৃত হতে পারে। Example: 

 It is well known that many residents of third world countries are dying. Or

That many residents of third world countries are dying is well known.

Rule 1.  That দিয়ে কোন clause শুরু হলে তাতে অবশ্যই একটি subject এবং finite verb থাকবে; নতুবা sentence ভুল। Example: 

a. Incorrect:  It surprises me that John doing such a thing. (Finite verb নেই)

b. Incorrect: It surprises me that would do such a thing (subject নেই)

a. Correct: It surprises me that john would do such a thing.

b. Correct:  That   john would do such a thing surprises me.

c. Incorrect:   It   wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century that revolves   around   the sun. (subject নেই)

d. Incorrect: It   wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century that the earth to revolve around   the sun. (finite verb নেই)

c. Correct: It   wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century that   the earth revolves   around   the sun.

d. Correct: That   the earth revolves   around   the sun wasn’t believed until the fifteenth century. 

More examples: 

incorrect : Is   likely    that the    library  is closed.  

correct : That the    library  is closed    is likely.

incorrect :  she  will   win  is  almost    certain.

correct :    That she will   win  is  almost    certain.

incorrect :   That  is   not   fair  seems   obvious.

correct :    That it  is  not  fair  seems   obvious

Incorrect :  It is  that  we need to move  is  sure.

correct :  That we need to move  is  sure.

incorrect : That  it is  that  she   has  known  him  for  a long time  influenced  her  decision.

correct : That   she  has known him for long time  influenced  her  decision.


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