Important quotations from Various sources

6. Important quotations from Various sources

Some Special Quotations

  1. Ability is a poor man’s wealth, - M wen
  2. Absence of occupation is not rest, a mind quite vacant, is a mind distressed. - Cowper
  3. A face that cannot smile is never good. - Martial.
  4. Economy is half the battle of life; it is not so hard to earn money as to spend it well. – Spurgeon
  5. Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty. – Jefferson.
  6. Example teaches better than precept. – S.Smiles.
  7. Government of the people, by the people, for the people. – Abraham Lincoln.
  8. Help thyself and God will help thee. – Herbert.
  9. Humanity is the solid foundation of all virtues. – Confucius.
  10. God didn’t exist, it would be necessary to invent Him. – Voltaire.
  11. A good husband should be deaf and a good wife blind. - French proverb
  12. Knowledge is power. – Hobbes
  13. King is dead. Long live the king. – English Political Proverb.
  14. Live and let live a common justice. – Lord Monsfield.
  15. Man proposes but God deposes. -Thomas Kempis
  16. None but a fool is always right. – Hare.
  17. No man can be wise on empty stomach. – George Eliot.
  18. One should eat to live, not live to eat. – Franklin
  19. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. – Lord Acton.
  20. Pain is the outcome of sin. – Buddha.
  21. Patience is bitter, but its fruit is sweet. – Russel/Rousseau.
  22. Philosophy is the art of living. – Plutarch.
  23. Prejudice is the reason of fools. – Voltaire.
  24. To err is human, to forgive divine. - Alexander Pope
  25. Riches are not an end of life, but an instrument of life. – H. W. Beecher.
  26. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. – S. Butler.
  27. Speech is great, but silence is greater.- Carlyle
  28. Success makes success, as money makes money. – Champfort.
  29. They think too little who much. – Dryden.
  30. We first make our habits, and then out habits make us. – John Dryden.
  31. Admiration is the daughter of ignorance. – Franklin.
  32. God made the country and man made the town. – Cowper.
  33. “Come live with me and be my love, / And we will all the pleasures prove, / That hills and valleys, dale and fields, /And all the craggy mountains Yield.” - Christopher Marlowe
  34. God is on the side of big battalions. – Bernard Shaw.
  35. Man’s consciousness is the oracle of God. –Lord Byron.
  36. Superstation is a religion of feeble minded persons. – Edmund Burke.
  37. Self-preservation is the first law of nature. – Samuel Butler.
  38. Men are women’s plaything, Woman is the devil’s. – Victor Hugo
  39. A little learning is a dangerous thing. - Alexander Pope
  40. Prejudice is the child of ignorance. – Hazlitt.
  41. Self-suffering in the truest test of sincerity. – Gandhi.
  42. The paths of Glory lead but to the grave. –Gray.
  43. The government is the best which governs least- Henry David Thoreau

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