Caroline Age ( 1625 – 1649 )
This age is named after Charles-1 who reigned over England from 1625 to 1649. “Caroline” is derived from “Carolus ” , the Latin version of “Charles ” . This age is also a part of the Puritan age (1620 – 1660).
Main Literary Feathers of this Age
1. Drama declines significantly.
2. Literature reflects revival of moral and intellectual awakening.
3. Elizabethan enthusiasm and national spirit disappear .
4. Literary scenario is overshadowed by gloom and pessimism .
5. Critical and Intellectual spirit replaces natural outpouring of heart .
6. Renaissance’s influence continues .
7. Three types of poetry appear : Puritan poetry , Metaphysical poetry , and Cavalier poetry .
8. Cavalier poets appear and disappear , their straightforward, erotic short poems with the motto “ Carpe Diem ” disappear with them .
9. Sermons , Pamphlets , history and philosophy are written in prose .
Major authors of Caroline period
1. John Milton
Birth : 9 December 1608 Cheapside , London
Death : 8 November , 1647 , Bunhil London
Important Information :
# He is an epic poet .
# Paradise lost was written in blank verse .
Famous works :
1. Paradise Lost (an epic poem, written in blank verse) – it attempts to justify the ways of God to men .
2. Paradise Regained
3. Animadversions
4. Eikonoklastes
5. Areopagitia
6. A Treaties of civil wars
7. Samson Agonistes
8. Of Reformation
9. Tetrachordon
10. Of education
12. Of true religion
13. Lycidas
2. Robert Herrick
Birth : August 24 , 1591 Cheapside , U. K.
Death : October 15 , 1674 , Dean Prior , U. K.
Important works :
1. Hesperides
2. To the virgins
3. To make much of time
4. To daffodils ( Poem)
- To Daffodils – Robert Herrick
- The daffodils – Wordsworth
3. Henry Vaughan
Birth : 17 April , 1621 Newton , St Bridge , Wales .
Death : 23 April , 1695 Wales .
Important information :
# His notable work is Silex Scintillans
Famous works :
# Peace
# Flores Solitudinis
# Olor Is Canus
# Hermetical Physics
# Thalia Rediviva
# The Evening Watch
# Mount Of Olives
# The Retreat
Other authors of Caroline Age
Authors |
Works And Important Notes |
Katherine Philips ( 1632 – 1664 ) |
- Pierre Corneille |
- Hoarce |
Richard Lovelace ( 1618 – 1657 ) |
- The Scholars |
- To general Goring |
- To Al Thea ( From Prison ) |
- The Rose |
- The Soldier |
John Suckling ( 1609 – 1641 ) |
- Aglaura |
- The sad one |
Henry Reynolds ( 1564 – 1632 ) |
- Aminta Englisht |
- Mythomysters |
Thomas Carew ( 1695 – 1640 ) |
- A Rapture |
Commonwealth Period ( 1649 – 1660 )
This period, like the previous two periods, belonged to the puritan age. Only in this period there was no monarch in England. After the death of Charles-1, Oliver Cromwell, the puritan leader, came to power. He died in 1658 when his son Richard Cromwell, became the ruler of England. He ruled England till 1660. In this period Puritanism became gradually unpopular. The English people realized that Monarchy was essential for them.
Major Authors of Commonwealth
1. Thomas Hobb
Birth : 5 April , 1588 Westport , England
Death : 4 Dec. 1679 Derby shine , England
Important Works :
# Liviathan
# Tractatus opticus
# De Motu
# A minute or the first draught of the optiques .
# De Mirabilis Pecci
# De cive
2. Jeremy Taylor
Birth : 15 August , 1613
Death : 13 August , 1667
Important notes and works :
# He is known as the “ Shakespeare of the divine ” .
# A discourse of the liberty of Prophesying.
# Great Examplar
# Twenty sever Sermon .
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