The Romantic Period (1798 – 1832 )
Main Literary Features of the Age
1. Creative enthusiasm reached almost the level of Elizabethan Creative force.
2. It shifts its focus from earlier age’s faith in reason to faith in senses, intuition and imagination.
3. Subjective poetry replaces the objective poetry if neo – classical age.
4. It values common, “Natural” man and rejects artificial urban life as subject of poetry.
5. The language of common men, not the artificial “Poetic diction” of the previous age, becomes the choice of the time.
6. It idealizes county life and “nature” becomes a means of divine revelation.
7. Romantic poetry reflects rebellious views against oppression, restraints, and controls. It celebrates human rights and individualism.
8. Romantic literature shows interest in the medieval past, the supernatural, the mystical, the “gothic”, and the exotic.
9. It emphasizes introspection, Psychology, melancholy, and sadness.
10. Myth and symbolism get prominence.
11. In style, romantic poetry prefers spontaneity and free experimentation to strict conventional “rules” of composition, genre, and decorum. It prefers highly suggestive language to neoclassical ideal of clarity and precision.
12. Lyric poetry dominates.
Lists of Romantic poets :
Names |
Period |
1. William Blake |
1757 – 1827 |
2. Lord Byron |
1782 – 1824 |
3. John Keats |
1795 – 1821 |
4. Words worth |
1770 – 1850 |
5. Samuel Taylor Coleridge |
1772 – 1834 |
6. Percy Bysshe Shelley |
1792 – 1822 |
7.Mathew Arnold |
1822 – 1888 |
8. John Clare |
1793 – 1864 |
# Many literary critics did not think William Blake as a romantic poet.
Major Authors of Romantic Age
1. William Blake
Birth : 28 November , 1757 , Soho , London , G. B.
Death : 12 November , 1827 , Charing Cross , London , G. B.
Important Information :
# Poet , painter and Printmaker .
# He is in 38th place among 100 Greatest Britons.
# His Painting Characterized as Romantic movement .
Famous Works :
# All religion are one .
# Songs of Innocence .
# Songs of Experience .
# Continental Prophesis .
# The Song of loss .
# The four zoas .
# Visions of the Daughter of Albion .
# There is no natural Religion.
# His marriage of Heaven and Hell .
# The book of the Thel .
# The book of Ahani ,
# An island in the moon ,
Famous poems :
# The sick rose ,
# The little boy lost ,
# The divine Image ,
# The Angel ,
# Tiriel ,
# Laughing song ,
# The Garden of love ,
# Holy Thursday ,
# The Blossom
# The Lily .
# Earth’s Answer .
# Songs of innocence ,
2. William Wordsworth:
Birth : April 7 , 1770 , Cocker mouth , U. K.
Death : April 23 , 1850 , Cumberland , U. K.
Important Information :
# He was inspired by French revolution.
# He and S. T, Coleridge were the pioneer of Romantic age.
# He deals with nature in his poems. So he is called the “Poet of nature”.
# His another Characteristic was his glorification of childhood. This is why he is called the “Poet of Childhood”.
# Wordsworth expounds his philosophy about poetry in the following way. According to him, poetry is the “Spontaneous overflow” of powerful feelings. In 1839 he became poet of Laureate.
Famous works :
# The Prelude ( Verse )
# Laodamia
# Thecurson
# To the Cuckoo
# Guide to the Lakes
Famous Poems :
# My heart leaps up
# Solitary Reaper – Here Solitary means lonely
# Written in March
# The world is too much with us.
# The ruined cottage
# The Kitten at play
# Ode to duty
# Resolution and independence
# Eleziac stazas
# We are seven
# The table turned
# The Lucy
# I wandered lonely as a cloud also known as "Daffodils" – Here the daffodils gave the poet a great deal of pleasure.
3. Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Birth : October 21 , 1772 , Ottery St. Mary , U. K.
Death : July 25 , 1834 , Highgate , U. K.
Important information:
# Poet, literary critic and Philosopher
# He, with his friend Wordsworth, was a founder of the Romantic Movement.
# A member of Lake Poets.
# Supernaturalism occupies the majority of his poems, so he called the poet of Supernaturalism.
# He was addicted to Opium. That is why he is called the “opium eater”.
Famous Poems :
# The Eoliam Harp ( 1795 )
# Reflections on having left a place of Retirement.
# This Lime – Three bower my Prison (1797 ) .
# Frost at midnight ( 1798 )
# Fears in Solitude (1798 )
# The Nightingale: A Conversion poem ( 1798 )
# The Rime of the Ancient mariner
# Kubla Khan
# OD on Dejection
# Christable
Famous prose :
# Literaria Biographia
4. Jane Austen
Birth : 16 December , 1775 , Steventon Rectory , Hampshire , England .
Death : 18 July , 1817 , Winchester , Hampshire , England .
Important Information :
# An Anti Romantic Novelist in the Romantic age.
# A Female Novelist.
Famous Novel :
# Sense and Sensibility,
# Pride and Prejudice,
# Mansfield Park,
# Emma,
# Northanger Abbey,
# Persuasion,
Short Fiction :
# Lady Susan
Unfinished Fiction :
# The Watsons ,
# Sandition .
5. John Keats
Birth : October 31 , 1795 , Moorgate , London , U. K.
Death : February 23 , 1821 , Rome , Papal States , Italy .
Important Information :
# He was an English Romantic poet of Romantic age .
# He is called the poet of beauty .
# He is Known as man of medicine .
# A physician , surgeon and a doctor .
# He died of Tuberculosis .
Famous Work :
# Endymion ,
# Odes and others ,
# Lamia ,
# Letters ,
Famous poems :
# Ode to a Nightingale ,
# Ode to Psyche ,
# Ode on Melancholy ,
# Ode to Fancy ,
# Robin Hood – To a Friend ,
# Ode on a Grecian Urn ,
# Ode To Autumn ,
# Ode on Indolence ,
# Lines on the Mermaid Tavern ,
Other Poems by John Keats :
# I stood tiptoe upon a little Hill ,
# to some ladies ,
# Imitation of Spenser ,
# Sleep and poetry ,
# Women , wine , and Snuff ,
# Isabella or The pot of Basil ,
# the Eve of St. Agnes ,
# Calidore – A Fragment ,
# To Hope ,
# Three Sonnets on Woman ,
# On death ,
# Fill For Me a Brimming Bowl .
# Hymn to Apollo .
6. Percy Bysshe Shelley
Birth : 4 August , 1792 , Sussex , England .
Death : 8 July , 1822 , Lerici , Sardinia , Italy .
Important Information :
# Lyric Poet , Dramatist , Essayist , Novelist .
# He was an albeist .
# He was expelled from Oxford University in 1811 for writing “The Necessity of Albeism ” .
# Shelly believed that only revolution can change the existing society. For this he was called the “ Revolutionary Poet .”
# Poet of Hope and Regeneration.
Famous Works :
# The wandering Jew ,
# The Devils walk – A Ballad ,
# Alastor, or The Spirit of Solitude,
# Mont Blanc ,
# Ozymandia ( Text ) ,
# The Cenci ,
# Prometheus Unbound ,
# The Cloud ,
# Adonais ( On memaoir of Keats ) ,
# The Triump of Life ,
# Hymn to Intellectual Beauty ,
# Zastozzi ,
# Queen Mab – A Philosophical Poem ,
# The Demon of World ,
# Laon and Cythna ,
# Rosalind and Helen ,
# Ode to the west wind ,
# to a Skylark ,
# The witch of atlas ,
# A Defence of Poetry ,
# The Revolt of Islam .
Other Authors of Romantic Period
Authors |
Works And Important Notes |
Charles Lamb (1775-1834) Essayist |
Essays of Elia Tales From Shakespeare The adventures of Ulysses Elina Quotes: man is a gaming animal. He must always be trying to get the better in something or other--- Essay of Elina |
William Hazlitt (1778-1830) Essayist, literary critic, Painter, Philosopher |
Table- Talk The spirit of the age Characters of Shakespeare Liber Amoris The plain speak |
Lord Byron (1778-1824) |
The vision of judgment Dan Juan The dream Darkness Marino Falicro The Deformed Transformed The brid of Abydos Hours of Idleness Hebrew Melodies Manfred Heaven and earth poems My Soul is Dark To be a beautiful Quaker The Cornelian Epitaph to a Dog |
Sir Walter Scott (1771-1832) Novelist, Playwright, Poet |
Novels Waverley Guy Mannering The Antiquary The Black Dwarf Tales of Old Mortality Tales of My Landlord Rob Roy The Heart of Midlothian Ivanhoeh The Pirate The Fortunes of Night Peveril of the Peak Quentin Durward St Ronan’s Well The Betrothed Tales of the Crusaders Woodstock The Fair Maid of Perth Chronicles of the Canongate Anne of Geierstein Count Robert of Paris Castle Dangerous Tales of my Landlord The Siege of Malton Bizarro Poetry The Minstrelsy of the Scottish Border The Lay of the Last Minstrel Ballads and Lyrical Pieces The Bridal of Triermain Rokeby The Field of Waterloo Harold the Dauntless Marmion The Lady of the Lake The Loed of the Isles Lake The Vision of Don Roderick Patriotism |
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