Student life is the best period of a man’s life. It is the most important time of life. It is called the sowing season of life. During this period, a student must cultivate some good qualities for bright future. The future of a person depends much on the student life. Actually, the success and failure in man’s life depends much on the utilization of this period.Â
Duties of a student:
There are many duties and responsibilities of a student. The first and foremost duty of a student is to acquire knowledge. But, he must not confine himself to the prescribed books only. He must read newspaper, magazines, nobles, dramas during his leisure. This kind of reading will widen his mental horizon and enable him to be acquainted with many things of the world. Moreover, he should follow some rules and regulations. He should not waste valuable time. He should attend to his class regularly.
We know that good health is the key to success. To be successful in life, a student must take care of his health. To keep his body fit, he should exercise regularly.
A student should not engage himself in his/her own work only. He has also some duties and responsibilities to the people of the society. We know that most of the people of our country are poor and illiterate. A student can teach the illiterate people. He can help the villagers to change their poor condition. He can teach them about family planning, health, nutrition, children rising and scientific method of cultivation etc. During natural calamities, people need help. In time of flood, famine, cyclone, earthquake and epidemic students should come forward to help the affected people. They should collect food, clothes, medicine etc. and distribute them amongst the affected people.
A student should respect his parents and teachers. He should be well behaved, punctual and disciplined in every spheres of life. He must abide by the rules and regulations of his institution. He must be gentle and amiable. He must also avoid evil company. He must be honest in life. Without honesty, any kind of succeed is not possible at all. A student must be truthful also. Because, truthfulness is the key to all succeed.
Student life is the time to prepare for the future. It is the time to improve and be a good human being. A student should bear in mind that if he do not perform his duties in time, he would suffer in the long run.
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