A journey by plane

There is hardly a person who has not dreamt of experiencing a journey by air at least for once in a lifetime.  Luckily, I am one of the fortunate few that actually experience it. My journey by plane is one of the most exciting experiences of my life.

My experience:
 Allah granted me the opportunity to experience a journey by air. My father was posted to Kuwait and we planned to visit him.  Unfortunately on the date of our flight my exam was scheduled. So my flight was rescheduled one month later. I was really scared as the date came closer, because I was about to travel to another country all by myself. My family members were also tensed. So on the due date, I arrived at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport about three hours before my flight. 

The agent at the desk greeted me warmly and looked through my ticket and passport. He printed my boarding pass and checked and tagged my luggage. He also informed me that as I had a business class ticket I can enjoy my waiting hours using the comfort of Balaka Business Class Lounge at the airport. I thanked him and approached towards the immigration booth. I had about two hours to spare, so I headed to Balaka Business Class Lounge. The lounge was very cozy and many people including foreigners were relaxing there. I sat down and waited for the announcement of my flight.

After two hours an announcement was made for my flight and I went to the specified gate and finally boarded the plane. A smiling air hostess greeted me warmly and showed me my seat. She brought me juice and dates and showed me how to put on the seatbelt. There was a monitor in front of us where a short presentation on what to do and what not to do during the journey was shown. Then the chief pilot made an announcement to fasten our seatbelts and the plane took off.

 Luckily, I got a window seat so I could enjoy the view outside. For a small time the plane was inclined during the takeoff, but then it got still. I could feel nothing different except a low buzzing sound was audible. I looked out of my window and gradually the city lights below me disappeared. It was night time and soon nothing could be seen outside my window except the dark sky .The air hostess came and gave me a set of headphones to watch the TV monitor attached to my seat. Gradually I fell asleep.

When I woke up it was morning. I looked outside my window eagerly and was astonished to see huge fluffy clouds outside. It was more beautiful than I have ever imagined. Once in a while our plane would enter a cloud and everything would go smoky outside. The sun was just rising and bathed the white clouds with a golden ray. The plane rushed fast through the air without a bump or a jolt. Soon the air hostess served us breakfast. I enjoyed the food a lot. She also gave us a writing pad and a wallet as compliments of the airlines.

About two hours before landing, I noticed that we were crossing over what looked like a brown sea! I asked the air hostess about it and she laughed and said that we were flying over the deserts of Iran. The overall view was overwhelming.

Finally we landed in Kuwait International Airport. The pilot thanked us for flying with them and we thanked the air hostess and stewards for their hospitality. In the airport I went through the security and collected my luggage from the belt. People at the airport were very helpful and showed me the way. I went out just to find my father waiting for me with a broad smile. He said he was really proud of me that I have crossed thousands of miles all alone!

It was a very interesting and exciting journey indeed.  I was a little nervous to be honest. This is one of the journeys that will remain fresh in my mind forever.

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