Bad effects of plastic bags

Poly bags, more commonly known as plastic bags, are used in virtually every grocery, convenience, liquor and department store you visit. Numerous plastic bags are used worldwide every year and, in most cases, these bags are simply thrown in the trash. Consequently, there is an extremely large number of poly bags filling up landfills, oceans, lakes and wildlife areas, causing detrimental effects on the environment.

Why they are bad:
One of the most concerning problems is that plastic bag waste frequently does not end up in the proper trash, even when they are available. Still, when they are sent to the appropriate landfill, they take an excessively long time to decompose. In fact, LDPE low plastic (the plastic used in plastic bags) is estimated to take at least 500 years to break down. So, the remnants of plastic bags last much longer than the life span of those who use them. Some may make the suggestion that plastic bags should be burned, but the problem with that is that burning of poly bags releases toxic fumes into the air.

Effects of improper disposal of polybags:
There are a number of dangers presented to both land and aquatic animals as a result of improper disposal of plastic bags. Hundreds of thousands of animals are killed every year as a result of accidentally ingesting the plastic bags or getting caught or strangled in the bags. Damage and pollution also occurs to their native habitat.

The impact of plastic bags on the environment is enormous.As more people are being affected by the high prices of gas, one fact that seems to escape their notice is that the making of plastic bags requires the use of petroleum. Petroleum is a non-renewable source and can run out. These resources are becoming scarce and should be used solely as power and energy resources, not to make items that are used for only a few minutes and then thrown away.

Not enough plastic bags are recycled to mitigate the damage caused to the environment. Statistics show that only 1 to 2 percent of all plastic bag refuse is properly recycled. This is because the cost involved in recycling this product does not make it profitable. Until a viable option for recycling plastic bags can be found, the best way to dispose of these plastic bags is to avoid using them. Instead, switch from using environmentally harmful plastic bags to environmentally friendly reusable bags.

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