Crime is a behavior or activity which breaks the legal code or more appropriately, which offends the social code of a particular community.
Types of crime:
Within each culture, the line between normal and criminal is drawn differently by varying codes or criminal laws. Crimes are generally divided into two main categories - indictable, which are tried by higher courts and non-indictable, which are dealt by magistrates in the lower courts.
The indictable offences include larceny, breaking and entering, receiving stolen property, frauds, false pretences, sexual offences, violence committed against a person and homicide. The non-indictable category includes things such as malicious damage, cruelty to children, assaults, offences by prostitutes and motoring and traffic offences.
Crimes that are difficult to handle in a society are those committed by businessmen, politicians, government employees, doctors and in general, persons enjoying a certain amount of power.
Crime often takes shape of organized activities like well-executed robberies, large-scale smuggling, art-frauds etc.Â
Common crimes in Bangladesh:
The common forms of criminal activities in Bangladesh are bribery, exploitation of labourers, violation of traffic rules, rape, acid throwing, physical abuse of women, adoption of unfair means in examinations, theft, burglary, robbery, smuggling, cheating, forgery, violence etc.
Crime in Bangladesh is also committed by many who pretend to be high-ranking officials or army personnel. Many others lure youths to the film world, promising them work, or pretend to be religious healers, business representatives, etc and thereby deceive innocent people.
Crimes are endemic to rural areas, where cultivable land is scarce. Disputes over land ownership often lead to nasty conflicts and even armed clashes.  Stealing of paddy or other crops from fields is also common.
Poverty is the main factor behind most crimes. Other than this personal interest, prejudices etc are also causes of different crimes. Such people do not get enough opportunity of rehabilitation in society. The community also develops a practice of avoiding such people as criminals or troublemakers. The ultimate result is the confirmation of these people in criminal professions.
Present condition:
In Bangladesh, finger prints, foot prints, hand writing, identification of fire arms, blood stains, blood group test, hair, photograph etc are used for detection of crime. However, available information suggests that only three percent of those involved in criminal activities in a year receive punishment in the country. This encourages individuals and organized groups to commit crime.
Corruption and involvement of political leaders and other influential people in protecting criminals discourage victims from taking action against criminals. Even if criminals are taken into police custody and cases are filed against them, the trial process continues for too long.
Justice delayed is justice denied. Courts often fail to reach proper verdict in absence of witness or evidence, often under threats from the accused. Government should take proper steps to decrease the crime rate in Bangladesh.
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