Bird Flu

 Bird flu is influenza in birds. It is also known as avian flu. It is caused by Avian influenza virus. It affects several types of birds, including farmed poultry, i.e. chickens, geese, turkeys and ducks.  It makes them ill and is an infectious disease. Human beings can also get infected by this virus and get ill. In many cases, people have died from bird flu.

The virus spreads through infected birds, via their saliva, nasal secretions, feces, and feed. Birds get contaminated when they are in contact with any of these infected substances. Humans can become infected with bird flu after coming into contact with infected birds.

The disease spreads easily once the cattle or poultry birds are infected. People who work in poultry and spend much time there have a greater chance of being infected by bird flu. Consuming raw or undercooked poultry products can also be a cause. Other than this travelling in the affected area or coming in close or indirect contact with any infected person can spread this virus too.

Running nose, sore throat, cough, high grade fever, malaise, diarrhea etc. are the symptoms of bird flu. In some cases fatigue, chest pain and loss of appetite can also be observed.

Prevention and Treatment:
At the time of epidemic, one should avoid going to affected places. Cooking the poultry items properly is another way of prevention. One should avoid having undercooked poultry products. Poultry hygiene conditions should be strictly checked and maintained. Vaccination is also another way of protecting oneself from this virus.

If infected, the patient should take rest and drink plenty of fluids. He should immediately consult and get checked by a doctor.

If poultry farms are maintained in an proper hygienic way to get rid of this disease.  If it spreads, it may have disastrous results as once the domestic birds get infected, it may spread like a pandemic. Mass killing of affected species of birds should be carried out by the government authorities. It is the only way to check the spread of disease.

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বি সি এস প্রস্তুতি: নৈতিকতা, মূল্যবোধ ও সু-শাসন
বি সি এস প্রস্তুতি: সাধারণবিজ্ঞান
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