Charms of village life

Village life is the happiest compromise between the natural and the artificial. It is a merry game between man and nature.  

Village life is plain and simple. Villagers are content with the necessities of life. They have no liking for luxury. They manage with a few pieces of clothes. They prefer plain food. They discharge their social duties in the simplest manner possible.

Villagers are mostly field-workers. They take to farming. Some of them are artisans. They take to different callings of life. Some are priests, some are milkmen, some are oilmen, some are fishermen, some are washer men, some are barbers and some are drummers and so on. They are not rich and wealthy. But they have enough for their minimum requirements of life.

The village people take part in fairs and festivals. The celebrations are quite plain and simple. They attend the folk dance and the open air dramas. But the aged of them do not attend the functions. They are happy with their house and harvest.

Village people have few wants in life. They are content with what is endowed by nature around them. So, they do not like to make any progress. Consequently, the village life has gone rusty. Evils of ignorance and blind faiths have crept in. Un-education and epidemics are rampant. Now, it is our duty to find out a remedy to this state of affairs. Mass education and public health are the primary conditions for the improvement of the village life.

Village life in Bangladesh is still in many ways unchanged since time immemorial. Most of the roads are dirt tracks. Usually people live many miles from the nearest paved roads, and are used to walking or cycling long distances. The air is pure. There are not many factory-produced goods. The houses are mostly made of mud with grass thatch. Coconut, palm, banana and betel nut trees abound. The blue sky, broad rivers, and the water traffic lifestyle pervade the atmosphere. 

As most of the houses have no running water in rural areas, a major part of life centers around the river. People wash themselves as well as their clothes in the river or the pond. The river is also a source of fun. Many children, mostly boys, and sometimes men, are swimming as soon as the school or working day is over.

It is said that country life is sweet. It is true no doubt. The greatest of the poets have sung the praise of it. Prophets, too have the greatest admiration for the village life. Great thinkers and philosophers have spent their invaluable lives in the countryside. Hence, village life is highly cherished, in all ages by every soulful man.

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