Mujib Borsho Paragraph for HSC

The year 2020 has been remarked as Mujib Borsho as the 100th Birth Year of the father of the nation, Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. He was born in Tungipara of Gopalganj on 17 March 1920. Read: Paragraph on Historic Speech of 7th March The people of Bangladesh want to celebrate the birth centenary of this great leader in a massive way. The birth centenary is going to be observed with due respect in Bangladesh from 17th March and will be followed by the golden jubilee of the country’s independence on 26 March 2021. UNESCO has also made the decision unanimously to celebrate Mujib Borsho with Bangladesh. The year-long programs are going to be held with the participation of mass people including children, youths, and elderly people. Various programs like essay competitions, art, and cultural competitions are supposed to be arranged in educational institutions. Different government and non-government organizations will also arrange programs on the occasion. There is also a plan to produce the film, documentaries and publish books on the life and works of Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. These will help to promote the role of Bangabandhu in the independence of Bangladesh.

বাংলা রচনা সমূহ
বাংলা ভাষা ও সাহিত্য
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সাধারণ জ্ঞান বাংলাদেশ বিষয়াবলী
সাধারণ জ্ঞান আন্তর্জাতিক বিষয়াবলী
ভূগোল (বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্ব), পরিবেশ ও দুর্যোগ ব্যবস্থাপনা
বি সি এস প্রস্তুতি: কম্পিউটার ও তথ্য প্রযুক্তি
বি সি এস প্রস্তুতি: নৈতিকতা, মূল্যবোধ ও সু-শাসন
বি সি এস প্রস্তুতি: সাধারণবিজ্ঞান
বাংলা ভাষার ব্যাকরণ
বাংলাদেশ ও বিশ্ব পরিচয়

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