As a developing country, the people of Bangladesh are taking different measures to increase their income and standard of living. From early ages people are interested in animal husbandry. In rural areas, maximum families keep animals in their houses which are used for both financial and productive purposes. The animals which are kept in houses or house premises are called domestic animals. In Bangladesh, there is large number of domestic animals. They include cow, goat, sheep, buffalo, chicken, duck, pigeons, horses and also pets like dogs, cats and fishes etc. Besides keeping as pets, mostly these are kept as a source of income.
Among the animals, the most useful ones are the cow and buffalo. They are used in ploughing lands and drawing carts. We can get milk from them which has high market price as well as it is rich in nutrition value. So by rearing them huge amount of additional income can be earned. Besides, goats and sheep are also important as we can get milk from them. Sheep provides wool which is used for making woolen clothes like sweaters, mufflers etc. Moreover, their skins are used to make leather goods like belts, bags, shoes, wallets etc. Bangladesh earns a huge amount of foreign currency through leather goods so these animals are very useful. Their meat is huge source of protein and has high market value. People are getting a dependable source of livelihood through poultry farms. The people are much leaned towards rearing chicken, ducks, pigeons etc. as they are cheaper to rear but can be a great source of income. Their eggs have huge market value and are rich in protein. Their feathers are used in making various domestic goods. Horses and pigs are also domestic animals. However, in our country horses and pigs are rarely kept as domestic animals. This is because horses are way too expensive for our rural people and since majority of our population is Muslim, pigs are also not used. Domestic pet animals like dogs are used to guard the house and they properly follow the orders of their masters. Cats kill mice and other harmful insects in the house.
But unfortunately nowadays the conditions of the domestic animals are far from satisfaction. Mainly due to urbanization and lack of spaces, they can’t grow up in sufficient free space. They are not sufficiently healthy and several of them are just skin and bones. Food deficiency, lack of care, diseases etc. are leading to this unhealthy condition of these animals.
Domestic animals are a great asset to our livelihood and economy. For the sake of our interest, their condition must be improved by providing them better food, treatment, care etc. These animals are a great source of foreign currency. So this sector of economy should be given much importance.Â
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